Are you having trouble dealing with your marketing strategy? Yet, remain no results from your effort? Well, what else do you use to ensure that you are using an effective marketing strategy for your business? Guerilla Marketing is an advertising tactic, in which a company is using surprise or unconventional interactions to promote a product or service.
Guerilla marketing is very different from traditional marketing and often relies on personal interaction, a smaller budget, and focusing on smaller groups of promoters responsible to get the word out in a particular location rather than widespread media campaigns. The advertisement strategy is a type of publicity.
Why use this type of marketing strategy?
The marketing strategy is the use of unconventional or novel methods to attract interest or boost sales in a business or brand. The methods can be no or low cost and involve the widespread use of:
- more personal interactions
- viral social media messaging
The marketing method increased in popularity due to some reasons:
- Rise of ubiquitous mobile
- Connected technologies
These can amplify messaging and focus on target groups of consumers. Customers are more attracted by the marketing campaigns, more daring and interesting. The others are off by the approach of ambush marketing and/or other disruptive techniques.
Understanding this marketing strategy
Companies using the marketing strategy rely on in-face promotions to spread through:
- Viral marketing
- Word-of-mouth
Thus, it is reaching a broader audience for free. The key to this marketing strategy will connect the emotions of the consumers. The tactic is not designed for all types of business (goods and services) and is often used for more edgy products and targeting younger consumers, who are the most respondents. The marketing strategy takes place in public places offering as big an audience as possible, such as concerts, streets, sporting events, public parks, beaches, shopping centers, and festivals.
One key element of this marketing is to select the right time and place for conducting the campaign to avoid possible legal issues. This marketing strategy can be outdoor, indoor, or an event ambush or experiential, which means getting the public to interact with a brand. The marketing strategy is very legal though some techniques border the boundary of being ethical.
Marketing types
There are different marketing types of this advertising strategy, namely:
- Buzz or viral marketing
- Stealth marketing
- Ambient marketing
- Ambush marketing
- Projection advertising
- Grassroots marketing
The advantages of this marketing strategy
Management often embarks on the marketing strategy because it is a budget-friendly option. Instead of needing to deploy much capital, the marketing strategy is often less pricey than the other marketing campaigns. Local businesses, start-ups, or companies with fewer corporate restrictions often deployed these marketing techniques because the method allows greater creative capacity. The marketing relied on informal means to market information, which allows marketing professionals to use less traditional ways of deploying their strategies.