Who told one could not be beautiful in death? Do not treat a funeral as a sad time; make it unique and beautiful like the life your dear one lived. Organize a funeral equivalent to the life they lived. Your loved ones deserve the best in life as well as in death. Celebrate their life with a fitting funeral.
If you’re looking for a good funeral services provider in Singapore, then look no further than Casket FairPrice. Just as their name suggests, they offer complete services at fair prices. If you are not convinced, then the list of services and their quality might do it.
Why Casket FairPrice is the Best?
They offer comprehensive services and take care of everything at the funeral. There are many things to do during the funeral ceremony.
- Embalming
If you want your near and dear ones to take a last look at the deceased, make sure they are at their best with embalming techniques undertaken by the in-house experts at casket FairPrice.
- Casket Choices
Visit their office and Funeral Home beforehand and make your choice of the casket from a wide range of options.
- Décor
You can also choose the décor for the funeral you want. All arrangements, from flowers to colors will be taken care of.
- Funeral Parlour or Venue
Unlike other offices that operate from a small office, they have their funeral parlors, and rent is minimal and included in the package deal.
- Funeral Directors
Funeral directors ensure the seamless progression of the entire day. He oversees, directs, and coordinates all aspects of the funeral. They also extend a support system to the family of the deceased and take over the role of the directors makes sure everything goes smoothly.
- Experience
They have been in the industry for decades since 1993 and have served thousands of grieving families. Their association with the Association of Funeral Directors Singapore is a testimony of their standard, as AFD members are under oath to follow a strict code of conduct during funerals.
- Services for all cultures and Ethnicity
- They are well aware of the rituals and practices of every culture like Buddhist, Christian, Roman Catholic, Soka, and Taoist cultures.
Casket FairPrice are industry expert and has associated with families for decades. They are very well aware of the situation and the mindset of the families of the decease done and completely take over the service. They also offer counseling sessions for the family to cope with stress, anxiety, and loss.